
Every day you have the opportunity of learning something...

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

The Regional Fruits and Vegetables of Iraq (Erbil)

To my surprise...

Most of the fruits grown in Iraq have been unbelievable!

Normally smaller size of all of them that they aren´t managed genetically... or that´s what I think... maybe I am wrong!...

Have tried:

  • Cherries (very very sweet!) 
  • Cantaloupes (It has been years... or even a whole life without trying such a deligious cantaloupe)
  • Kiwis 
  • Watermelon (you find it everywhere)
Small fruits and vegetables (than what I was used to)
  • Cucumber
  • Cantaloupe 
  • Green Pepper
  • Tomatoes
  • Kiwis
  • Onions